Sooner or later, men have some questions about their health. Erection problems can occur at any age. Today, therapists are increasingly faced with complaints about erectile dysfunction in young men under the age of 25. It can be seen that this problem has been "rejuvenated" significantly. Erectile dysfunction occurs due to many reasons: stress, overwork, cardiovascular diseases, unhealthy lifestyle, hormonal imbalance, unhealthy diet. A man can self-identify a number of pathologies - according to the nature of the discharge during an erection. After all, a prompt call to a doctor for help ensures a completely painless treatment.
Discharge normally when excited
It is completely normal to have a discharge from the penis in men during stimulation, before intercourse. The secretion that stimulates an erection is medically called libidinal urethrorhea. The quantity and quality of such secretions can be completely different, depending on the physical characteristics of a particular man.
Normally, when an erection occurs, a clear fluid drains from the urethra. This liquid is of medium thickness. The amount and duration of such discharge depends on the degree of erection and arousal. That is, the stronger the arousal and desire, the more fluid there will be before intercourse begins. It is important to know that even such discharge in men contains a certain amount of sperm. This means that even if intercourse is interrupted, pregnancy can still happen.
So, the normal discharge during an erection is as follows:
- Increased urination;
- Smegma;
- Sperm.

As is known, the urethra is the secretion that is secreted when exposed to a level of stimulation. It should be noted that urethral discharge can be discharged in the morning after waking up. This is also considered the male norm. Smegma is a secretion produced by a gland located at the tip of the penis. These secretions are absent in men who carefully monitor personal hygiene. Smegma consists of fat secreted by the sebaceous glands. Accumulation under the foreskin of the penis. It washes off easily in the shower, and a small amount is considered the norm.
If you do not follow the rules of personal hygiene, smegma begins to actively stand out during an erection. This is fertile ground for the proliferation of many types of pathogenic microorganisms. And such a pathogenic microflora can cause various complications in intimate life. Sperm are secreted from the urethra during ejaculation. Then, as a rule, the erection weakens and disappears completely. Sperm contains a large amount of sperm, which is the secret of the gonads. The color of this recipe is usually white. If no sperm is ejaculated during intercourse, this indicates a serious problem with sperm functioning. Usually, ejaculation will occur no later than an hour after intercourse begins.
Discharge from hospital
Sometimes, excessive discharge from the urethra during an erection can indicate some deviation. Some diseases are accurately diagnosed by the nature of pathological exudates. Indeed, very often there are no other symptoms in men. That is why it is so important for young people to pay attention to all kinds of changes.
So, discharge beyond the normal limits may indicate the presence of such diseases:
- sexually transmitted diseases;
- Inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;
- Urethritis;
- Prostatitis;
- Balanitis;
- Cancer;
- Complications after penile trauma.

The secretions secreted by men during an erection can be too scarce or, conversely, excessive. In addition, in pathology, the color and consistency of this bile plays an important role. As a rule, excessively thick or liquid discharge is considered unacceptable. In this case, the color may not be white, but yellow, gray, with a hint of green. Blood or pus may be present. If the bile is transparent, but dense and pulling, we can talk about the presence of such diseases as mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia.
When passing laboratory tests, in this case too many white blood cells are established. If the disease is in a severe form, moving to the severe stage, pus is observed. With a disease like chlamydia, discharge builds up on the tip of the penis and sticks to the foreskin.
Not less often, pathological discharge during erection occurs along with other pathologies:
- Candida fungi;
- Staphylococcus aureus;
- Streptococcus;
- Escherichia coli.
At the same time, young people complain not only of pathology of discharge during erection, but also of itching, burning, swelling of the tissues of the penis. An unusual secret does not always indicate the presence of problems of the genitourinary system. Genital inflammation, both external and internal, can occur on the basis of allergies, narrowing of the urethra, chemical intoxication, mechanical effects on the mucous membranes of the genital organs. As soon as a man discovers any pathology, it is important to see a doctor for a timely examination. The specialist will prescribe the most accurate course of treatment. This will help avoid possible complications.