A large place in the lives of people who represent the strong half of humanity is occupied by their sexual relations. After the age of 35, many men or men experience erectile dysfunction. But problems in a man's intimate life can also arise at a relatively young age. Weak erection has its own developmental causes:
- Psycho-emotional disorders;
- Overwork, stress, nervous tension;
- The presence of chronic diseases;
- Sedentary lifestyle;
- Wrong diet, etc. v.

Often, the consumption of junk food leads to the formation of various sexual disorders, including impotence. Many men like semi-finished products, fast food. The lack of complete food leads to the development of pathologies in the gastrointestinal tract, causes the accumulation of cholesterol and causes a breakdown in metabolism. In the future, these negative consequences may lead to cardiovascular diseases, the development of which will adversely affect the male reproductive system. Increasing body weight due to malnutrition, maintaining life and health of living organisms with the help of food - the process of absorbing food by living organisms to maintain the normal course of processesPhysiology of life, can not only interfere with the normal functioning of the organism's structure, but also weaken the potency. In this situation, products for erection will help. What is useful for representatives of the strong half of humanity? Which products improve erection increase the volume of the penis and its erection by filling the cavities of the corpus cavernosum with blood?
When a patient first visits a specialist with a request to get rid of an already existing sexual disorder, doctors usually advise to organize a healthy diet for an erection, the menu of which includesMany aphrodisiacs, their healing properties improve male potency.
The nutritional diet of a man must be balanced, the products are enriched with useful trace elements, vitamin complexes, various essential amino acids, etc. v. Because it is with food that a person receives the elements necessary for the functioning of his organs. Proper nutritional diet has the ability to normalize erectile function.
Food for men should be different:
- zinc;
- magnesium;
- selenium;
- potassium;
- Iron;
- calcium.
Complex of vitamins group A, B, E will be very useful for men's health Zinc, selenium strengthen the immune system, many elements have a relationship and connection with each other to create a certain integrity, unityof representatives of the human male sex, normalizes the process of the nervous system. In addition, components involved in the synthesis of testosterone, zinc have a positive effect on the male reproductive system, improving the quality characteristics of sperm. Normal levels of essential components in the body are characterized by no problems with potency. Useful trace elements can be used as a separate vitamin complex by purchasing it in a pharmacy chain, or you can adjust your nutritional menu - products that improve erection cancan eliminate sexual disorders and normalize men's sexual life.

Nutrition for erection
A man or gender with food receives the necessary amount of ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the erection process. Many representatives of the strong half of humanity often think - What foods increase erection? Are these special dishes that require complex preparation, or are these simple dishes? Erectile-enhancing products are not uncommon or difficult to find, and you can buy them at any of these chain stores:
- Chicken / quail eggs;
- Various nuts;
- Some varieties of fish;
- Olive oil;
- Fermented dairy products Product - food (in the phrase "food") - cheese, kefir, sour cream;
- Lean;
- Dark Chocolate;
- Seafood;
- Vegetables - turnips, cabbage, radishes, garlic, carrots, beets, onions;
- Fruit - banana, avocado, mango;
- Greens - anise, celery, thyme, basil, parsley, cilantro, thyme;
- Natural coffee.
Food for erection has caffeine, the use of which is explained by its main feature, namely, increased cardiac activity, as a result of which the release of adrenaline increases. The nervous system responds to stimulating factors, blood circulation is activated in the area of the pelvic organs. But it should be remembered that drinking large amounts of coffee can cause a sudden drop in pressure, so drinking this drink in moderation can be beneficial for male strength.

For some men, the foods above are included in the daily diet, but many don't consume even a quarter of this list. But these ingredients, which strengthen the erection, increase the volume of the penis and harden it by filling the cavities of the cavernous body with blood, are rich in vitamins A, E, B complexes, play a roleimportant in presence. sexual power in men, as they clean the walls of blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the penile region.
toxic products
The use of certain products can cause irreparable harm to men's health, contribute to the development of erectile dysfunction.
The following nutrients are not recommended:
- Fast food;
- Pasta;
- The use of potatoes in large quantities;
- Sausage;
- Rice;
- Beer;
- Baking element (except for unleavened black and white bread);
- Carbonated drinks, energy drinks;
- Coffee in bulk.

We must also remember that the use of antidepressants, smoking, drug use can adversely affect the functioning of the male reproductive system.
Main products to help increase erection
Erectile products that increase the volume of the penis and its hardening by filling the cavernous cavities with blood often contain natural cocoa, some of which have a beneficial effect on performance. sex:
- According to research results, the use of natural chocolate has a positive effect on the erection process - there is dilation of blood vessels, increased blood flow;
- Natural cocoa contains flanovols - antioxidants that increase the number of active angiogenic cells that provide vascular tone;
- Products Products - foods (in the phrase "food") from cocoa can actually enhance the production of nitrogen oxides, leading to improved erection quality;
- Receiving natural dark chocolate, cocoa powder, created by the method of chilling technology, can help men to normalize potency, eliminate sexual impotence.

In addition, in the menu of men with erectile dysfunction, the following products should be included to increase erection:
- Garlic has long been considered an excellent tool for enhancing erections - it speeds up blood circulation, is involved in the production of male sex hormones, namely testosterone. This product activates certain enzymes responsible for the formation of nitric oxide;
- Pomegranate refers to useful products that increase male potency - it has a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular structure, the reproduction of testosterone. The use of fresh fruit, natural pomegranate juice significantly increases the generation of nitrogen oxides, prevents the development of oxidative phenomena;
- Spinach is saturated with natural nitrates, which are converted to nitric oxide in the male body structure. This product increases testosterone levels, which leads to activation of erectile function;
- Nuts are a miracle cure for the reproductive system. Reception of walnuts normalizes blood pressure, enhances the production of nitric oxide, increases the quality characteristics of sperm.
What do you eat to take effect?
A balanced diet is the key to happiness, health, vitality and energy, high sexual activity. And the introduction into the diet of certain products, which experts call aphrodisiacs, increase vitality and potency.
- What is needed for good effect
- What to eat to increase potency?
- Give up what?
- Inference
Properly selected nutrition gives man a lot of useful substances, normalizes the work of all organs and systems, and harmful dishes, on the contrary, take away his health. biological systems' ability to capture, transform, distribute, deliver, and use energy. with maximum efficiency. Let's find out what foods you need to eat to increase potency and what you should refuse.
What is needed for good effect
Before you understand what is effective at home and what is not, it is important to determine which substances the male body needs most. Experts recommend including more foods in your diet, including the following ingredients:
- B vitamins, involved in most metabolic processes in the body, as well as sperm production and maturation, tissue regeneration;
- vitamin D, affects metabolism and production of male hormones, increases libido and overall man;
- vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, improves blood circulation and vascular health, increases the synthesis of testosterone, serotonin and dopamine;
- vitamin A, which helps to increase the quality and quantity of sperm, strengthens immunity;
- Vitamin E is an important antioxidant that improves the tone and circulation of blood vessels, increases blood flow to the genitals, helps with orgasms and longer sex.
When choosing what you need to eat to increase potency, you need to remember about the trace elements necessary for the male body:
- zinc, participates in spermatogenesis, testosterone production, metabolism;
- selenium, which increases a man's fertility, libido, and endurance while close;
- calcium, which provides sperm motility;
- iodine, normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland and the entire hormonal system of a man;
- Potassium, necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, many elements have a relationship and connection with each other, forming a certain unity and integrity;
- magnesium, which improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
In addition, the list of what to eat to increase potency includes pectin, amino acids, fatty acids and many others that are abundant in aphrodisiac products.
If you already know what to eat to be effective and what not to eat, don't try to make your diet include the most effective products. Excessive content of any substance can lead to negative consequences. For example, consuming too many greens can impair digestion, and ginger or ginseng can lead to insomnia and increased anxiety.
What to eat to increase potency?
Experts give recommendations for all men or male genders to eat for good results at any age. In the list of the most useful and effective products for the restoration of men's health, they include:
- Seafood. They contain a lot of zinc, selenium, B vitamins. The most useful for men in this product group should include kelp, sea and ocean fish, oysters and shrimp, mussels. In order for all the nutrients to be absorbed by the male body and bring about the desired results, that food needs to be subjected to minimal heat treatment.
- Fresh vegetables, fruits, berries. If you ask your doctor what to eat to improve potency, he will call this the most important and wonderful group of products for men's health. Fresh vegetables, fruits and berries contain a lot of useful substances, many of which are easy to digest and quickly give the desired effect. Many fruits and berries have a positive effect on the hormonal background of a man, increasing his mood and vitality.
- Lush green trees. This is another group of products that doctors recommend when answering the question of what to eat to increase effectiveness. Parsley, parsley, celery, dill provide the male body with useful substances, improve digestion, normalize metabolism and blood circulation, increase fertility and libidosex. But you need to consume green vegetables in small quantities. Eating no more than 1 bunch per day is enough.
- Beekeeping products. Honey, propolis, perga, royal jelly - all this is a real treasure, containing a huge supply of useful substances. The use of honey and propolis not only increases potency (lat. Potentia - chance), in medicine - the body's ability to have intercourse and libido, but also strengthens the immune system, improvesImprove the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, making people stronger and more resilient.
- Nuts, dried fruit, real dark chocolate. Don't know what to eat to increase efficiency so that it doesn't take much time to cook? Then chocolate, dried fruits and nuts, which contain a large amount of vitamins, amino acids, minerals will come to your rescue. Just put 2-3 figs, dates, dried apricots or a handful of nuts in your bag and snack on them at your leisure. You can prepare a special mixture for effect, for example, from nuts and honey, aloe vera juice and nuts, dried fruit, chocolate, nuts and honey.
- Plant aphrodisiac. Experts recommend including ginger, ginseng, onions and garlic, all kinds of pepper in the men's diet, because they have a positive effect on human health, strengthen the systemimmunity, improving psycho-emotional state and hormone production. If you do not know how to eat ginger to increase the effect, then you can add it to almost any dish: cakes, sweets, first and second, make delicious teas and cocktails with it. This is a powerful aphrodisiac that activates a person and all the processes in his body.
Everything you need to eat to increase potency should not be eaten immediately in large quantities, especially if you have not included this product in your diet before. For example, spices, nuts, bee products are strong allergens, and dried fruit should not be eaten with diabetes, obesity, and certain other health problems.
Give up what?
It is important not only to know what a man needs to eat to increase potency, but also to try to rule out the possibility of a biological system that is harmful to health, many factors have a relationship and relationship witheach other in a habitual diet. , forming a certain unity and integrity to receive, convert, distribute, supply and use energy products with maximum efficiency. It is necessary to completely abandon:
- wine;
- smoked, salty and fried foods;
- sausages and all sausage products;
- carbonated soft drinks, energy drinks;
- fatty meat, lard;
- fast food and fast food products, various snacks;
- products contain many harmful preservatives, flavorings, dyes and other synthetic substances.
It is also important to limit the consumption of soy and beer, as these products contain phytoestrogens, which have the same effect as female hormones that suppress testosterone production. If used too often, soy and beer can even cause changes in a man's appearance, and not just decrease in sexual ability and desire.
But it's not always easy to determine what you need to eat to take effect. For example, coffee and tea in small amounts stimulate metabolism, give vitality and energy, increase one's endurance and increase potency. But if you abuse these products, you can get the opposite effect. In this case, they lead to deterioration of health, cause insomnia and increased anxiety, decrease endurance and vitality, and can lead to nervous exhaustion. Enough 4-5 cups of weak tea and 1 cup of coffee per day.
Salt also in small amounts does not harm potency and libido. But consuming too much of it leads to a violation of the water-salt balance in the body, impaired blood circulation and the functioning of the musculoskeletal, hormonal and immune systems. The same rule applies to sugar - it is better to reduce its presence in food to a minimum.
Even if you know what you need to eat for male enhancement and follow the recommendations of experts, remember that healthy food only works for the body when it's fresh. Therefore, it is recommended to use them raw and fresh or cook dishes that are kept in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.
Remember what you need to eat to increase potency, and always include healthy foods in your diet. But a balanced diet isn't the only contributor to men's health.
For potency and good sex drive, you need to lead an active lifestyle, give up bad habits, sleep at least 8 hours a day, play sports, reduce stress and avoid overwork. And all diseases must be treated promptly to prevent the disease from turning into a chronic form and occurring complications, negatively affecting men's health.