The twenty he's ready to have sex all the thirty disappeared two times a week. After forty - once a month

What if intimacy ceased to be your favorite thing, a must-have? The scientists are not tired to prove that sex is a good panacea. From everything. The list of features of this operation are almost endless: acting as an antioxidant, and antibiotic, strengthens the heart, the blood vessels, to relieve the insomnia and even prolong your life! Such a universal medicine. However, here again, did not, without very considerable, but the device needs to operate should be taken at least once a week.
Well, if everything is ok, but if the lover was to avoid intimate situations, and longer pull you to the bedroom at the first opportunity? There are two possibilities: or the sexual life for worse than a bitter radish, or designated a problem "over there."
It's no secret that the problems with the sexual part of the strong floor through a particularly painful. There's nothing better than the self-esteem, as the problem is the "best friend". The feelings are so global that occupy almost 90% of the men. How to fix the broken faucet or planning a family budget, if you always...
It is not necessary to wait for intimate difficulties, to take one hundred percent of the attention. Failure in bed, the provisional, and the correct approach will help to eliminate them. First we need to find out what was the reason that the "I don't know."
Of course, health
Andrologists (specialists who study the sexual health of men), came to a sensational conclusion: all men, homo sapiens great sexual opportunities, which can satisfy the 15 (!) the women one after the other. After this opening there's a perfectly logical question: where does all this sexual energy?
As it turns out, it was the unreasonable, and sometimes totally indifferent attitude to the health. The stronger did not get tired, to show, the suffering, picking up the common cold, but as soon as the symptoms are more severe – that's the price won't go to the doctor.
Meanwhile, problems in the body does not affect the sexual stamina. 60% decreased potential related to health. Often the men's "a" affects the malaise of the systems and organs, which are so innocent: the cardiovascular, endocrine or digestive. A chronic disease is able to continuously reduce the male hormone, testosterone, to 15%. Which, of course, the weakening of the libido.
How can you help? Back potency "the place", it is necessary to cure the underlying disease. Then come back and masculine power. And accustom partner for a healthy lifestyle. For example, non-smokers, males will have sex twice as often!

Tired? Give it a rest!
According to the statistics, one out of every eight people on earth suffer from CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome). This is a prolonged fatigue that persists after sleep, rest, and reduces the body's functions, more than two times. The stress, the hard work, poor environment, the ingredients, the bouquet, the "chronic fatigue syndrome". So, if the person is exposed to these charms, almost feminine charm inspiration for the feats in the bedroom.
As a test, test. If the sexual life is usually below average, but miraculously getting better during the holidays – that's the reason.
Everyone knows that the japanese are obsessed with work – constantly trying to find the perfect formula work. At the same time recognized as the most asexual nation. Conclusion: the work is good, but the rest of the task is no less important.
How can you help? To fight the "syndrome of the businessman", there's only one way to grab your man and go with him to the other end of the earth, or, at least, to the country. The most important thing is that the phone was switched off, and the holiday lasted for at least two weeks. The more entertainment the better! To return to normal mode, find the common hobby, which prevents the spouse to stay at work late.
If the "second heart" naughty
The ancient Greeks were aware of the importance of the prostate, but even the so-called second heart. So statues, they portrayed the prostate in the form of some people. This is understandable: the problem of the "second" immediately affects the intimate life of the people, life in general.
To put a disappointing diagnosis is actually very easy to stop, waiting for your beloved at the bus stop, to overdo it at the gym or lead an irregular sexual life.
The presence of the prostate characterized by painful or difficult urination. While in the chronic form, the symptoms may not be, but the first is very unpleasant bell – the decline of erection.
However, only 10% of men seek medical attention. The other 90% try to solve the problems of the viagra, or even abandon intimate life.
How can you help? I noticed that the date is annoying, the family name, anything, but not sexual, to take urgent action. A knight's move: you tell your husband that you have any problems, the gynecologist advised her to be checked. So a visit to the doctor will not damage his ego. To prevent the disease, do not delay preventive controls, urologist, and a multivitamin.
As for the first time

Stay together, I stroking, but when the most interesting, this is not a job, It's a nightmare to all people, no matter how brave you can be sure that a macho, I'm still afraid of failure in bed. Especially if this is your first intimate date. Especially if he really loves you. Such errors often occur in the inexperienced young people who don't really know how to give pleasure to your partner. But older people suffer from, failure is painful, especially if you are not sure.
How can you help? If such a case happens, anyway, is not a joke this is. Only through the attention to something else. In the end, a lot of other equally enjoyable ways of reaching orgasm. You can squeeze your hands, or kissing. When frustrated, the knight's resting comfortably in to finally bring strong erection.
The rollers!
The secret of the mountaineers-live – the physical work: even surpassing a hundred years old, they don't stop the regular classes in the economy.
It is very likely to develop the other: the sedentary lifestyle, the reality is that's not going anywhere. If you're working, everything is clear: here, like it or not, but the eight hours, the table rattling off, the rest of the disaster. If the old man spent the weekend on the couch – this is not the best way to keep the potency intact sound. The consequences of such a stop, the weak lymph circulation, stagnation in the intestine plus a collection the other problem is that it is not the best way affects health. For example, sustained life behind the wheel impairs the blood flow to the genitals, and this leads to the inflammation of the prostate.
How can you help? One way out: to be sweet, roller-skating, or cross country skis! The fact is, to save the love life of a single high-speed sports that require work the pelvic floor muscles. And any other physical activities except for chess, the most, be it football, basketball or Jogging.
The potency determines the ability of men to engage in sexual intercourse. And characterized by the degree of tension of a penis, speed of emergence of an erection strength, the sexual life in general.
The 30-year frequency of sexual acts in men – on average 2-3 times a week. However, almost 25% of couples have sex once a month, and approximately 10% name each other's intimate community only once every six months or even less!
Increase your libido with style!
Food can not only nourish the hungry people cool, but also exciting. Feed the aphrodisiac, the result will not wait.
The man, it is important that the normal protein foods, meat, fish, eggs. So the stomach, as not only the heart.
Nothing promotes the activity of the bed than the usual scrambled eggs. Seafood helps your partner to the tune of the erotic wave – oyster (indicates shellfish and other marine reptiles), it is considered as an aphrodisiac.
Citrus – just a storehouse of various vitamins. To become a sex giant, partner to eat half a lemon peel 2-3 hours before intimacy. A night full of passion, guaranteed!
Well-known Oriental recipes – tea, spices (clove, ginger, and saffron). But the Caucasus to strengthen the man power to serve, the sheep testicles. I said, very tasty!
The famous French lovers eat fresh artichokes, snails in Central Asia to enhance a man's electricity consumed in quantity. In india, a traditional food in such cases can be considered toasted sesame seeds mixed with honey. But the Italian kitchen is simply full of different natural aphrodisiacs: garlic, olive oil, tomatoes – all these ingredients are in almost every national cuisine. That's why hot Italian macho you know, the high libido!
Love potion 9.

To prepare the miraculous drug, it is not necessary to search for a magic book. All you need is already invented is widely used in the fans of herbal medicine.
One of the most famous recipes – the mixture of honey with walnuts. Mix in equal proportions with honey and crushed walnuts and let the mixture partner 2 teaspoon 30 minutes after meals for 3-4 weeks.
Effective believe herbal mint, nettle, alfalfa, and st. john's wort. It is necessary that a teaspoon of herbs, pour 1 liter of boiling water and infuse for an hour. Strained infusion to drink a glass three times a day.
Alternatively, try a different mixture. 100 grams of dried apricots, prunes, raisins, a tablespoon of sugar, add to taste cinnamon, clove and cardamom. All pour red wine, tormented mixture simmer for half an hour without a lid, and then a time in the closed pan. This syrup is give to the husband one tablespoon three times a day.
Raise your voice
- Erection also depends on the training of the muscles. I say the physically strong man is always sexually active.
- Physical education. If you have no desire to conquer the mountain tops on the ski, just enough to move. As an option – the daily walk or at least walk in the evening.
- For a relaxing massage. The human body is a large number of points to both soothe and excite. The legs there are areas, which are responsible for the sexual mood. Regular massage at home or walking on the mat will stimulate these areas, as well as leading people to the desired state.
- Contrast shower. Improves blood circulation, training the blood vessels. Take a shower, to the fields in the pelvic area first with cold water, then warm. After a bath RUB with a towel, and the blood flow to the desired location is provided.
- Sauna. Accelerates the blood circulation, thus improving sexual desire. But it also helps produce the hormone of happiness.