It's no secret that almost every third person suffers from a temporary or chronic decrease in potency. Approximately 30% of the entire male population of the planet 30 years ago, 50 years ago, you know, to feel such a big trouble, the introduction of discord in the sexual and family life. Therefore, every man should know, which can lead to lower potency, as well as how to handle this problem.
What products, improve your potential, why
In fact, the efficiency, the proper nutrition with each other. Taking the products to improve the potential of the rich, luxurious, vitamin complexes, as well as many mineral supplements that the person will receive the following benefits for the men's energy:
- Increase the production of testosterone, which is responsible for stable erection
- Improved the circulatory system;
- Improving the supply of reproductive organs in the blood;
- The essential dose of vitamins, minerals, which are necessary for potency;
- Increases feelings, desire, pleasure, and attraction.
In addition to the products, male potency affordable is often used in everyday life improve the health of the urinary tract system and the male body in general, prevents the development of many diseases, prolongs power, youth, increases the activity, as well as the internal energy.
Food to improve your efficiency does not require more time or financial costs in the supernatural. This method of dealing with low libido is much more comfortable than the sports, the eradication of bad habits, the experience, normalization of sexual activity or improve the environment. In contrast to these factors, the food, the daily diet is adjustable to achieve a quick increase in libido.
The list of products, which improve the potential
The menu the man that they wanted to increase virility, energy, vitality, a little different than the usual. Rich in protein, vitamins, minerals. A diet that promotes male potency, to contain the following ingredients:
- Any kind of seafood;
- Steamed, boiled, fried in a little oil, or oven fried fish;
- Veal, chicken, lean pork;
- Dairy products, low fat (milk, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese);
- Any vegetables, especially useful carrots, sweet peppers, onions;
- Many fruits, especially pomegranate, lemon, apple;
- All, which brings the bees, the honey and ended with propolis;
- Herbs with a strong smell, you can add to meals or tea, such as peppermint or Melissa;
- The nuts.
If all of these products the male potency, it is possible to not just increase virility the sexual skills, but also to improve the circulatory system, tone the body, vital energy, cheerfulness, improve mental ability, bowels, and excretory system.
Like the gifts of the sea promote male potency
The sea is a real storehouse of healthy foods, nutrients, macro-and micro-elements. This beautiful gift will help you manage the problem of low libido. What foods improve the potential? These seafood include:
- Cancer oil cancer;
- Clams, mussels, oysters;
- Squid;
- The rapa would.

It's no wonder that people living close to the sea, sea fish consumption every day, rarely reduced its effectiveness. They contain large amounts of vitamin c-supplementary nutrients: vitamins a, b, C, E and PP, iodine, CA, K, phosphorus, copper, etc. Unique properties of positive dynamics in the health of the cardiovascular system, normalizes lipid metabolism, helps to quickly absorb the vitamins, peptides, and other nutrients. In addition, it regulates digestion, strengthens the nervous system and helps to cope with stress, cleanse the body of toxins.
But, of course, the main sea remains resident fish. Nutrition to improve potency necessarily should include the red fish. This important ingredient helps to increase the red blood cells, debug the functioning of white blood cells from, normalizes the immune system, balancing the hormones, strengthens the bones and positively influences the nervous activities of the body.
The products of bees, what the the male potency
Nutrition to improve potency necessarily should include the products of the bees. This could be the honey, pollen, wax, with or without honey, propolis, pollen or royal jelly.
Despite the fact that sweet is harmful for your health, but these are sweets, which can affect the male energy, if you consume them in moderation. Unique properties the following effects on the body:
- Natural sources of glucose;
- It reduces the inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs;
- Kill the bacteria in the body;
- Ensure the natural source of amino acids, vitamin complexes, esters;
- Improve the health of the heart, other muscles;
- A positive effect on the Central nervous system and the intestines;
- Promote good oxygen exchange;
- Rejuvenate the body.
The products the male potency, which the energy of the sound in the body
The products improve efficiency, contributing to increase energy, normalize the blood circulation and hormonal levels are the following:
- Herbs, especially parsley is a source of minerals, antioxidants, and vitamin C For this composition, perfectly cleanses the body of bacteria, toxins, improves the health of the excretory system;
- The onion;
- Celery – reduces inflammation, pain, fight the diseases of the urinary tract gives the body the vigor, vitality, increase male libido and promotes erection;
- Nuts, almonds nuts, almonds or hazelnuts – contain many macro -and micro-nutrients will help with the genitals, or the natural aphrodisiacs;
- Dried apricots, prunes, other dried fruits;
- Cheese, milk, other dairy products.
What products should be avoided
You have to understand that not all products contribute to male potency. There are those who, on the contrary, inhibit the male energy that will eventually lead to impotence. Therefore, a careful approach to the preparation of the menu does not include: meals, fast food, ready cakes, dumplings and other semi-finished products, alcoholic beverages, sausages, smoked products, drinks with high caffeine content, or dyes, a large amount of vegetable oil, soda.
These products lead to lower testosterone levels can lead to obesity, and the predominance of female over male hormone, atherosclerosis, loss of vascular elasticity, suitable for the digestive and excretory systems.
The diet of the men attributed with caution, because the correct diet to extend your youth, your sexual desire and enhance sexual potency.